Voice In Chorus
How long have you been with Orpheus?
Since the Fall of 2014. Through a chance meeting with J.D. Helms, I got a free ticket to the Summer 2015 performance of Orpheus and got hooked.
What made you want to join a chorus group?
I sang in choral groups in high school in college, but then went for over 20 years without singing. About fifteen years ago my current girlfriend, an amateur musician herself (cellist), nudged me to get back into it. I auditioned for the local community chorus by singing “If I Only Had a Brain” (go figure), and have been singing with choral groups continuously ever since.
During your time at Orpheus, what has been your favorite song or performance?
There are two entirely different pieces that stand out for me: (1) “Harriett Tubman” for its energy, its message, and the joy it brings to both singers and audience, and (2) “Sure on this Shining Night” for its sheer lyric beauty.
What are your favorite hobbies outside of Orpheus?
Playing/teaching bridge, traveling, and photography. I often combine the first two by running bridge programs aboard cruise ships.
What is your current job or career you've retired from?
I retired in October 2015. Originally an electrical engineer designing electronics for process control (chemical processing, industrial automation, robotics, etc.), I later moved into software development in this industry. In my later years I taught real-time operating systems at an Intel subsidiary named Wind River. These operating systems do things like flying aircraft, guiding controlling spacecraft and satellites, and controlling critical industrial process.
If you could perform next to any singer/artist in history (Dead or alive) who would you choose and what song would you choose to sing with them?
I have always been in awe of singer/songwriters – those who not only make beautiful music, but also tell a compelling story. One of the giants of this genre is Lyle Lovett. I would treasure the opportunity to dust off my guitar and join him onstage to sing “Step inside this House”, a poignant song about welcoming someone into your life.
What has been your favorite part of being with Orpheus thus far?
There is so much – the joy of singing (not only the concerts, but the rehearsals as well), the diversity of the music, the camaraderie, the community service we do. What really stands out for me is singing “Sure on this Shining Night” at the America Choral Director’s Association regional conference, with its composer, Morten Lauridsen, at the piano.